
Prepare for Certification Exams

Passing a certification exam requires months of study and preparation and no one source should be considered the only basis for preparation. Your learning style will help you determine whether a classroom, virtual classroom, or self-study is the most appropriate method for you.

Secure certification exam success by exploring the educational offerings  available for each of the PayrollOrg’s certifications.

Fundamental Payroll Certification (FPC)

The Fundamental Payroll Certification (FPC) is a certification credential for payroll beginners and service and support professionals with payroll knowledge. There are no payroll experience requirements to take this exam.

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Certified Payroll Professional (CPP)

The Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) is a certification credential for those with payroll knowledge and experience. The CPP Committee requires that payroll professionals fulfill one of three eligibility criteria before taking this exam.

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